In blood, data from 417 (300 patients) individuals were examined, 44 patients and 28 controls were positive for DMT. Like detection in urine, extraction methods and analytical approaches were highly inconsistent. Testing procedures included discrepancies of samples coming from plasma, serum and/or whole blood, while others had limit detections of 0.2 DMT/ml.
Mental disorders
Despite its illegal status, people sometimes use DMT in religious ceremonies and various settings for an “awakening” or to obtain deep spiritual insight. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it is unclear whether DMT is an addictive substance. DMT can interact with a range of other prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as other drugs. When used in religious ceremonies, plants and vines are boiled to create a tea-like drink of varying strengths. How much you use, any other substances you take with it (which isn’t recommended, by the way), and even your weight and body composition influence how it will affect you.
Experience sampling of subjective effects
DMT seems to fits the bill as it is an indolealkylamine, is an endogenous compound, and is linked to stress reactivity (see reviews by Myin-Germys and van Os, 2007; Grammenos and Barker, 2015). Among the first were a series of controlled clinical studies on DMT (Strassman et al., 1994; 1996). Those studies reported that pure DMT had rapid and extremely strong cardiovascular effects as well as profound psychological effects.
What about interactions with other drugs?
In these studies, DMT decreased serotonin and dopamine deamination in rat striatum concomitantly with rapid onset (15 min). Normalization occurred 2 hours later with an ED50 of 25 mg/kg for degradation of both serotonin and dopamine. In a previous study, continuous infusions of DMT were safely administered for up to 90 min (Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al., 2005) and the infusion rates were reported cannabis marijuana national institute on drug abuse nida to be determined via a previous pilot study with six subjects. However, this report lacked information on how strong and sustained these effects were over time. Another approach was proposed, aiming to generate stable subjective effects via a continuous infusion of the drug (Gallimore and Strassman, 2016) but unfortunately, this protocol has not been implemented in human participants.
These three mechanisms may yield high intracellular and vesicular concentrations within neurons (Frecska et al., 2013), which suggests that DMT may have a biological role. Overview of participants, completed doses, adverse events, and data included in the analyses. On one occasion, the participant requested to terminate the continuous infusion at minute 26. Tryptamines are naturally occurring compounds found in certain plants and animals.
Are ayahuasca and DMT the same?
- Our team has since collected further plasma DMT data, including a previous study (Timmermann et al., 2019), which has been used to model the relationship between DMT pharmacokinetics and effects (Eckernäs et al., 2022b, 2023).
- It’s common for mental side effects to last for several days after taking DMT, due to its strength.
- Because of DMT’s effect on serotonin receptors, people might feel some malaise after the drug’s effects wear off.
- Since DMT is illegal, there is limited research that shows any benefits.
However, the low infusion-only condition was mistaken for either the placebo (7%) or high infusion-only (26%) condition after the study session. The low bolus + low infusion condition was misclassified as the high bolus + high infusion (19%) or placebo (4%) condition after the session. The findings from the study on DMT’s effects on mental health outcomes in healthy volunteers have several potential applications and implications. One study determined that injected DMT reaches its peak concentration in the blood within 10 to 15 minutes and is below the limit of detection within 1 hour. Oxidative deamination of DMT by MAO may not be the sole metabolic pathway in humans (Riba et al., 2012).
DMT is commonly taken by users seeking a psychedelic “trip” similar to those produced by the ingestion of LSD and psilocybin. Many drug users choose DMT as an alternative to LSD because the duration of the trip is much shorter, lasting approximately 30 to 45 minutes rather than several hours, as is the case with LSD. The cap measured electrical signals from the volunteers’ scalps over 31 different sites.
DMT is known for giving users a very intense ‘trip’ – the name given to the experience of taking psychedelic drugs. Individuals with moderate to severe substance use disorders often require professional treatment. Typically, individuals who have developed a substance use disorder require focused and lengthy interventions in order to help them function normally without using drugs or alcohol. Many people who have taken DMT who are otherwise healthy report hallucinations, connections, and psychedelic experiences similar to those of people who have had actual near-death experiences.
Intravenous DMT administration was subsequently investigated in the 1990s [6, 8, 9]. DMT was administered at doses up to 0.4 mg/kg as an intravenous bolus over 45 s. DMT was found to be fully hallucinogenic at doses of 0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg (~15 and 30 mg, respectively) [8, 9]. A later study administered doses of 0.2 or 0.3 mg/kg (~15 or 25 mg) over 5 min, followed by a break of 1 min and a continuous infusion with 0.015 mg/kg (~1 mg)/min or 0.02 mg/kg (~1.5 mg)/min, respectively, over 84 min [3]. Two recent studies investigated DMT administration as a single intravenous bolus. Intravenous bolus DMT administration (7–20 mg or 0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg) produced rapid and short-lasting but also overwhelming subjective effects [5, 10, 18, 19], referred to by some subjects as near-death experiences [5].
However, the overall number of head twitches induced by DMT is much smaller compared to most other psychedelic compounds. DMT failed to produce this head twitch response in Swiss Webster mice (Fantegrossi et al., 2006) These discrepancies may be due to the rapid degradation of DMT or other peculiarities specific to DMT. Endogenous DMT is synthesized from the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is decarboxylated to tryptamine. Tryptamine is then transmethylated by the enzyme indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase (INMT) (using S-adenosyl methionine as a substrate), which catalyzes the addition of methyl groups resulting in the production of N-methyltryptamine (NMT) and DMT.
Thus, while in vitro receptor binding affinities, efficacies, and average concentrations in tissue or plasma are useful, they are not likely to predict DMT concentrations in the vesicles or at synaptic or intracellular receptors. Under these conditions, notions of receptor selectivity are moot, and it seems probable that most of the receptors identified as targets for DMT (see above) participate in producing its psychedelic effects. DMT increased levels of corticotropin, cortisol, prolactin, and growth hormone when administered to human volunteers (Strassman et al., 1994). When DMT was given repeatedly to human volunteers (4 times at 30 min intervals), tolerance to the increases in various endocrine levels was observed, including corticotropin, prolactin and cortisol (Strassman, et al., 1996). Similarly, ayahuasca increased prolactin and cortisol levels in human volunteers (Dos Santos, et al., 2011; 2012), whereas repeated doses resulted in lower levels of GH secretion (Dos Santos et al., 2012). A review by Frecska and colleagues (2013), suggests that during physical signals of agony, lungs synthesize large amount of DMT (primarily through the removal of INMT inhibitors) and can release DMT into arterial blood within seconds.
There have been few reports of adverse health consequences (see review by Barbosa et al., 2012). Ayahuasca did produce modest impairment of cognitive function in inexperienced users; however, little or no impairment was observed in experienced users (Bouso et al., 2013). Ayahuasca decreased markers of sleep quality and sleep disturbances are common on the night following administration, but the users reported no perception of deterioration of quality (Barbanoj et al., 2008). As mentioned previously, there is little sign of tolerance or dependence to DMT except to the cardiovascular and endocrine effects, which actually could be viewed as the primary adverse effects. Large doses of ayahuasca 50-fold higher than typical ritual doses (approx. 15 mg/kg DMT) were fed to pregnant rats. No lethality was observed, but increased incidence of cleft palate and skeletal malformations was observed in their pups (Gardner et al., 2014).
Although significant improvements were primarily seen in depression and neuroticism, the study also explored changes in well-being, meaning in life, optimism, and gratitude. While the study did not find significant reductions in trait anxiety across the board, medium effect sizes indicated a trend toward improvement. As many ayahuasca journeys occur under the watchful eye of a shaman and have a pronounced ceremonial dimension, the setting may imbue the experience with a spiritual or religious flavor.